Local Knowledge Roots for Global Welfare!!
This statement says it all about the logo of MIT Institute for Indic Knowledge Studies!
Herein, ‘Local’, indeed, refers to ‘Indian – Vedic’ systems of knowledge.
The wide spread tree of Vedic knowledge, represented by the seed syllable ‘Om’ is the source of everything in life. It enables fulfilment of pursuits of life, artha, and kaama under the umbrella of dharma and the fourth pursuit or moksha.
The arts and aesthetics of Vedic knowledge in the form of the flowers and the fragrance of this vast tree of knowledge, at once captivate the heart of the seeker, elevating and refining the minds of people towards higher goals. The fruits of Vedic knowledge in the form of applications, science and technology, guidelines of fulfilling ways of living that may be consumed by the seekers to enhance the quality of and outlook towards life and enriching their potentials in professional, personal, social and spiritual spheres of life are the timeless fruits that the tree gives. The seeds entrenched in the fruits are sources of propagation of Vedic knowledge in the form of the tradition of knowledge transfer from the Guru to the Sishya.
The green canopy of Vedic knowledge that is available for cognition, is firmly upheld by strong roots that run deep and wide, concealed below the ground, perennially nourishing the tree through millennia, keeping it lively and functional. What is hidden and sustaining the tree that is over ground, is the source that generates everything.
The motto of MIT IIKS that encompasses the logo expresses the foundational intent of the institution –
Śreyaḥ phalatu viśvāya bhārata-jñāna-mūlajam ||
The ground on which the tree of Vedic knowledge is established is Bhaaratam – the land steeped in (en)light(enment)! The bounties of the tree are, however, intended for universal welfare!
This is the invocation that propels MIT IIKS to study and nurture the roots of the Vedic tree and share the outcomes globally!
The circular structure of the logo and the motto indicate the eternal nature, significance and validity of the Vedic knowledge – vidyā that is beginningless and endless.
The tree is a symbol of benevolence, shelter, selfless service, nourishment, liveliness, fortitude in the face of adversity, propagation & regeneration. The older the tree, the deeper and more widespread are its roots. What is hidden below the ground contains the secrets of existence and what is manifested above is the expression of those secrets.
The logo as explained above describes the sum total of what MIT IIKS envisages for itself as a tree generated from a seed of a fruit of the tree of Vedic knowledge!