M.Sc. in Vedic Sciences with Research

  • M.Sc. in Vedic Sciences & is designed to groom the next generation of ambassadors of Vedic Sciences, who can study and authentically articulate the Indic scientific tradition, and bridge the gap between Indian and modern scientific discourse.
  • The objective is to specifically groom a generation of experts who can perform an independent and application-oriented study of Vedic concepts for modern times by imparting Vedic Science education at a level more suited to the modern audience. 
  • Instead of focusing on the content of the various shāstrās, MIT IIKS  has designed its curriculum and programs to familiarize modern students with the methods used in Vedic Sciences and equip them with sufficient foundational knowledge and interpretative skills to enable practical application, further study and research.
  • A well-rounded and holistic approach that provides Working knowledge of various disciplines of Vedic sciences and equips the student to study a shastra independently
  • Unique curriculum to enhance understanding of various shastras and darshans to help students look at practical applications to shāstric concepts.
  • Strong foundation in Sanskrit to allow the student to approach Shastric texts with confidence.
  • Special focus on research projects and research methodologies in Indic Studies designed to enable Students from diverse backgrounds to conduct deep research
  • Facility for remote study to accommodate busy schedules via online classes (both, live and pre-recorded videos), flexible course timings and delivery model
  • Excellent faculty, hand-picked from a global pool per subject

Program details

  • 2 Year .
  • The academic year starts in July
  • Students seeking admission must have completed a Master’s Certificate in Vedic Sciences – Foundation from MIT IIKS to be eligible to enroll in the M.Sc. Vedic Sciences with Research Program. 

Please write to info.iiks@mitpune.edu.in for details on how to apply to the course.


Syllabus (Year 1)

Understanding Vedic Knowledge Systems 1 – Landscape
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Course educational objective(s) 

To introduce learners to the landscape of Vedic literature with broad taxonomy of Indic knowledge systems


Course Outcomes 

  • Knowledge of the sources of Vedic knowledge
  • Comprehension of the seamless nature of Vedic knowledge
  • Understand the purpose and utility of Vedic knowledge systems in enriching human life


Unit – 1: Knowledge – Vedic context; Sources and classification of Indic (Vedic) Knowledge; Yajňas as Knowledge

Unit – 2: Vedāṅgas: Original context and so far identified contemporary knowledge aspects

Unit – 3: Other Vaidika-darśanas: Original context and so far identified contemporary knowledge aspects

Human Sciences 2 - Vedic Aesthetics
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Course educational objective(s) 

To look into the Vedic concepts of aesthetics and creativity; to discuss the various aspects and theories related to poetics and arts in Indic creative knowledge systems and their extension to contemporary art and design.



Unit – 1: Psychology of Beauty

Unit – 2: Vedas: View of the beauty of nature and art

Unit – 3: Prerequisites of creativity: Kāvyahetus: Pratibhā, Vyutpatti, Abhyāsa; Purpose /benefits of poetry (art) Kāvyaprayojanas

Unit – 4:  Mother of all Vedic Aesthetic texts: Nāṭyaśāstra

Unit – 5: Kāvyātmā theories: Rasa theory; Dhvani theory; Rīti theory; Alaṅkāra theory; Aucitya theory; Vakrokti theory; Kavisamayas (Poetic conventions)

Thinking in Sanskrit & Sanskrita prAvINya AbhyAsa mAlA
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Course Objective(s):

To enable learners to grasp the general usage of Sanskrit and to understand the structure of the language


Course outcomes:

  1. The learner will be able to understand Sanskrit as a general usage medium
  2. The learner will be able to think and communicate simple sentences in Samskrit
  3. The learner may gain the confidence to approach texts in Samskrit for self-study and follow when taught using Samskrit medium


Unit – 1:  विषयः –  सम्भाषणसंस्कृतम्

उद्देश्यम् – संस्कृते सरलवाक्यानां निर्माणसामर्थ्यम्, व्यवहारे उपयुज्यमानानां संस्कृतपदानां ज्ञानम्

Unit – 2: विषयः –  वर्णाः

उद्देश्यम् – संस्कृते प्रयुज्यमानानां वर्णानां ज्ञानम्, वर्णानां समीचीनोच्चारणस्य परिज्ञानम्

Unit – 3: विषयः –  सर्वनाम्नां परिचयः

उद्देश्यम् – कस्मिन् अवसरे किं सर्वनाम प्रयोक्तव्यम् (सर्वनाम्नाम् एकवचनं बहुवचनं च), युष्मच्छब्दस्य प्रयोगे मध्यमः (एकवचनस्य एव परिचयः), अस्मच्छब्दस्य प्रयोगे उत्तमः, क्रियापदानां सामान्यतः परिचयः

Unit – 4: विषयः –  शब्दानां परिचयः

उद्देश्यम् – अजन्तानां हलन्तानां च प्रसिद्धानां शब्दानां परिचयः। सम्बोधनप्रथमा। प्रसिद्धानाम् अव्ययानां ज्ञानम्

Unit – 5: विषयः –  क्रियापदानां परिचयः

उद्देश्यम् – प्रसिद्धानां क्रियापदानां प्रयोगः, लट्, लोट्, लङ् एषां लकाराणां ज्ञानम्

Unit – 6: विषयः –  प्रत्ययानां ज्ञानम्

उद्देश्यम् – प्रसिद्धानां केषाञ्चन प्रत्ययानाम् अवगमनम्, वाक्यनिर्माणे तेषाम् उपयोगिता, ग्रन्थेषु Unit – 7:

विषयः –  सन्धिः उद्देश्यम् – सन्धिज्ञानसामर्थ्यं सन्धिविच्छेदसामर्थ्यं च

Unit – 8: विषयः –  सुभाषितादीनाम् अवगमनम्

उद्देश्यम् – सरलकथानां पठनाभ्यासः, सरलश्लोकानाम् अवगमनं, पदानाम् अन्वयः


Suggested activities:

  • Fortnightly sessions for topic based speech in simple Samskrit
  • Games such as dumb charades, role play, skip the word, chinese whispers in Samskrit


  1. Write street plays in simple Samskrit and enact
  2. Prepare Samskrit labels for objects in the campus
  3. Prepare instruction charts in Samskrit (like marking the way to SVS, save water, keep silence etc)
  4. Prepare posters to explain simple subhāṣitas (can be collaborated with School of Design beginners)


  1. प्रथमदीक्षा, राष्ट्रियसंस्कृतसंस्थानम्, नवदेहली
  2. अभ्यासपुस्तकम्, विश्वासः, संस्कृतभारती, बेङ्गलूरु
  3. अभ्यासदर्शिनी, जनार्दन हेगडे, संस्कृतभारती, बेङ्गलूरु
  4. हिन्दीसंस्कृतशब्दकोषः, श्रीप्रकाशपाण्डेयः, संस्कृतभारती, नवदेहली
  5. संस्कृतव्यवहारसाहस्री, संस्कृतभारती, बेङ्गलूरु
Indic Philosophy of Life
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours


Course educational objective(s)

Pursuing “philosophy of life” by itself as one of the Indic knowledge systems and understanding Vedic worldview as the context of various Indic knowledge disciplines being pursued.


Course outcomes

  1. Comprehend the Vedic worldview that governs the social, societal, personal, and occupational goals and means in the world
  2. Grasp the Vedic outlook regarding life in the here and hereafter and the cycle of life
  3. Understand the concepts of Svadharma, free will, and duty-oriented action vis-a-vis desire-driven action


Unit – 1: Purushārthas; Pravṛtti-mārga – advancing to action; Nivṛtti-mārga – advancing to return; Āśramas – Facilitation for Pravṛtti and Nivṛtti; Varṇas – Organized facilitation for action; Svadharma as governing aspect 

Unit – 2: Cycle of life – Iha and Para; Various lokas; Spiritual paths

Unit – 3: Karma theory 

Unit – 4: Violence and non-violence – Mutual Dependence of  Gṛhastha and Sannyāsa



  • Frame a model of the Catuṣṣaṣṭīi-vidyāsthānas into a framework of the Puruśārthas that they address, which varṇa / āśrama they fit for
  • Read and discuss the context of ‘svadharme nidhanaṁ śreyaḥ paradharmo bhayāvahaḥ’ from five commentaries of Bhagavadgītā
  • Discuss the contexts of ‘mā phaleshu kadācana’ and ‘sarva-dharmān parityaja māmekaṁ śaraṇam vraja’ with regards to abhyudaya and niśśreyas in the life of an individual


  1. बलदेव उपाध्याय, संस्कृत साहित्य का इतिहास, शारदा निकेतन, वाराणसी
  2. बलदेव उपाध्याय, वैदिक साहित्य और संस्कृति, वाराणसी
  3. राधावल्लभ त्रिपाठी, संस्कृत साहित्य का अभिनव इतिहास, विश्वविद्यालय प्रकाशन, वाराणसी
  4. Winternitz Maurice, Indian Literature (Vol. I – III), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi
  5. Pujyasri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati, The Vedas, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Sudakshina Trust, Mumbai


Robust Reasoning and Debating
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Course Objective(s)

  1. To introduce the reasoning acumen and structured model of debate available in Indian epistemology
  2. To equip learners with the skill of debating by closely following the reasoning structure of statements in debate, discourse, discussion etc and present their own points of view and assess the opponent’s / speaker’s  point of view

Course outcomes

  1. Learners will understand the concept of knowledge, its classification and means and system of reasoning in Indian epistemology
  2. Learners will be able to identify structures, fallacies in arguments and develop robust reasoning skills 


Unit – 1: Cognition and its Means

Unit – 2: Reasoning: Inference, valid and fallacious reasoning

Unit – 3: Debating

Suggested activities

  • Organize debates in the vāda structure 
  • Test invariable concomitance instances in real life situations and check for fallacies


  •  Explore structures of fallacies of cognition and debating in Schools of philosophy other than Nyāya


  • Evaluate the arguments in reasoning exercise books from the vāda perspective


  1. Tarkasaṅgraha
  2. Pramāṇa-paddhati
NaaTyashaastra - structures in sAhitya & Frameworks of intuition in Vedic sciences
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours


Intuition – the Indian śāstric perspective  –  “Intuition” इत्यस्मिन् विषये भारतीय शास्त्रविचारः


# of credits

L-T-P ratio





Course Objective(s):

To provide a well-rounded introduction to intuition as a higher-level cognitive mechanism, both from the modern viewpoint and the deeper perspective from the Indian śāstras, as well as an appreciation of the relevance of intuition to the evolution of human society and its future.  


Course Outcomes:

  • Understand the concept of intuition from the modern perspective
  • Understand the concept of intuition more deeply from the Indian śāstras
  • Appreciate the intuitive foundation of Indian knowledge systems and society
  • Appreciate the key role of intuition in human evolution and its future





  1. Intuition – motivation and modern perspective6 hrs 
    1. anubandha-catuṣṭayam – what is intuition and why is it relevant? – 1.5 hrs
    2. Background concepts – multi-dimensionality and holographic-ness – 1.5 hrs 
    3. Evidence from quantum physics and neuroscience – 1.5 hrs
    4. Intuition as holographic higher-dimensional access – 1.5 hrs


      2. Intuition – as per the Indian śāstras18 hrs

    1. Indian model of knowledge and its unique aspects – 1.5 hrs
    2. pramāṇas, śabda-pramāṇa and intuition as yogaja-pratyakṣam – 1.5 hrs
    3. śāstric foundation of intuition from sāṅkhya and yoga darśanas – 1.5 hrs
    4. sāṅkhya-darśana – core concepts and satkāryavāda  – 1.5 hrs
    5. sāṅkhya-darśanapuruṣa, prakṛti, triguṇa model – 1.5 hrs
    6. sāṅkhya-darśana – 25 tattvas, prasava and pratiprasava – 1.5 hrs
    7. yoga darśana – core concepts – citta, vṛttis, samādhi, kaivalya – 1.5 hrs
    8. yoga darśanaaṣṭāṅga-yoga – eight aṅgas and their roles – 1.5 hrs
    9. yoga darśana – various saṃyamas and intuitive siddhis – 1.5 hrs
    10. yoga darśana – holographic intuition as ṛtambhara-prajñā – 1.5 hrs
    11. From other śāstras– applied intuition as pratibhā – 1.5 hrs
    12. Intuition – samanvaya of modern and śāstric perspectives – 1.5 hrs

  1. Intuition and human evolution – relevance and implications6 hrs
    1. Intuition and the evolution of Indian śāstras and society – 1.5 hrs
    2. Relevance of intuition as a tool for decision making and innovation – 1.5 hrs
    3. Intuition and the past and future of human evolution – 1.5 hrs
    4. Discussion and conclusion – 1.5 hrs
Ashtadhyayi Pravesha
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Couse Objective(s):

This course is an introduction to the exposition style of Panini’s Ashtadhyayi. Through the course, participants will be enabled to understand the structure and content of Aṣṭādhyāyī

Course Outcomes: 

  • Appreciate the structure of Aṣṭādhyāyī
  • Understanding important Sañjñās and Paribhāṣā within the Aṣṭādhyāyī text along with their application


Structure of Aṣṭādhyāyī (अष्टाध्यय्यां स्वरूपम्):

  • Deriving words from the roots (शब्दनिष्पादनप्रकिया)
  • Māheśvara sutras (माहेश्वरसूत्राणि)
  • Types of sutras (षड्विधसूत्राणि)
  • General introduction to contents of the chapters of Aṣṭādhyāyī (अष्टाध्याय्याः प्रत्येकं अध्याये निरूपिताः विषयाः)
  • Important structural concepts (स्वरूपसम्बद्धाः प्रधानविषयाः)
    o अनुवृत्तिः
    o असिद्धत्वम्
    o प्रत्याहारः

Understanding Aṣṭādhyāyī (अष्टाध्यय्याः अवगमनम्):

  • Important Sañjñās (प्रधानसंज्ञाः)
    Important Paribhāṣā and their application (प्रधानपरिभाषाः)


  • व्याकरणचन्द्रोदयः, पञ्चमः खण्डः, चारुदेवशास्त्री
  • परिभाषेन्दुशेखरः, नागेशभट्टः
  • अष्टाध्यायीप्रवेशः, तिलकः एम् राव्
  • शिक्षाप्रथमक्लृप्तिः, श्रीरमणशर्मा
Shaastriya Sanskrit 2 & 3
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Sanskrit 2

Course Objective(s):

  • अध्येतृभ्यः संस्कृतभाषया विरचितशास्त्रीयग्रन्थानां पारिभाषिकोपयुक्तीनां परिचयः, ततः स्वयं शास्त्रग्रन्थपठनाय प्रेरणा च

Course Outcomes:

  • पूर्वसिद्धता – VSF002 Sanskrit-1 इति प्रक्रमस्य पूर्तिः


विषयः – विभक्तीनां प्रयोगाः

उद्देश्यम् – कारकविभक्तीनां सम्यक्तया अवगमनम्, उपपदविभक्तीनां ज्ञानम्, सति-सप्तमीप्रयोगस्य अवगमनं, विशेष्यविशेषणयोः सम्बन्धः

घण्टाः – 10

  1. विना, अन्तरेण, दूरे इत्यादीनां प्रयोगे विभक्तयः
  2. सति-सप्तमी
  3. विशेषण-विशेष्यभावः (यल्लिङ्गं यद्ववचनं या च विभक्तिर्विशेष्यस्य तल्लिङ्गं तद्वचनं सा च विभक्तिर्विशेषणस्य)
विषयः – समासः

उद्देश्यम् – समस्तपदस्य अर्थावधारणसामर्थ्यवर्धनम्

घण्टाः – 6

  1. समासनिर्णयक्रमः
  2. समासस्य भेदाः (तत्पुरुषः, द्वन्द्वः, बहुव्रीहिः, अव्ययीभावः)
  3. दीर्घवाक्येषु विग्रहः
विषयः – शास्त्रे उपयुज्यमानानां कृत्तद्धितप्रत्ययानां परिचयः

उद्देश्यम् – शब्दकोशानाम् अनवलम्बनेन प्रसिद्धपदानाम् अर्थनिर्णयः, धातुपाठस्य साहाय्येन स्वतन्त्रतया अर्थग्रहणम्

घण्टाः – 10

  1. केचन प्रसिद्धाः कृत्प्रत्ययाः – ण्वुल्, ल्युट्, अनीयर्, क्त, क्तवतु, तव्यत्, तुमुन्, तृच्, क्त्वा, ल्यप्, यत्, ण्यत्, क्यप्, घञ्, अच्, अप्, क्तिन्, अ, युच्, उ, शतृ, शानच्
  2. धातुपाठस्य उपयोगद्वारा प्रत्ययानां साहाय्येन अर्थावधारणक्रमबोधनम्
  3. केचन प्रसिद्धाः तद्धितप्रत्ययाः – वत्प्रत्ययः, भावर्थकप्रत्ययाः, पूरणार्थकप्रत्ययाः, मत्वर्थकप्रत्ययाः, तसिलादयः (थाल्, दा), च्वि, अतिशयार्थकाः
  4. प्रत्ययान्तानां स्त्रीलिङ्गरूपाणि
  5. व्याकरणे प्रत्ययानां योजनस्य यः क्रमः तस्य परिचयः
विषयः – वाक्यावगमप्रकारः

उद्देश्यम् – शास्त्रीयवाक्यानाम् अर्थस्य सम्यक्तया ग्रहणम्

घण्टाः – 7

  1. प्रयोगपरिवर्तनम्
  2. आकाङ्क्षापद्धतिः
  3. अन्वयक्रमः
  4. यत्तदोर्नित्यसम्बन्धः
  5. तात्पर्यनिर्णयक्रमः
विषयः – शास्त्रीयविषयोपस्थापनक्रमः

उद्देश्यम् – भाष्यादिव्याख्यानग्रन्थानां सुलभतया अवगमनम्

घण्टाः –  6

  1. उद्देशः लक्षणं परीक्षा
  2. पञ्चभिः अवयवैः निरूपणम्
  3. पूर्वोपक्षोपस्थापनम् (उत्थापिताकाङ्क्षा) / प्रश्नस्य उपस्थापनम् (उत्थिताकाङ्क्षा) –
    1. ननु………, अत आह
    2. न च…….. वाच्यम्
  • केचित्/केचित्तु/अपरे/परे/अन्ये
  1. स्यादेतत्
  2. यद्यप्युक्तं ……तन्न
  3. यद्यप्याहुः
  • यत्तु……आहुः
  1. पक्षान्तरोपस्थापनक्रमः
    1. यद्वा
  2. सिद्धान्तोपस्थापनक्रमः
    1. एवञ्च
    2. इति भावः
  • इत्यर्थः
  1. वस्तुतस्तु…. आहुः
  2. फलति/फलितोऽर्थः
  3. इति न्याय्यम्
  • तस्मात्
  • इति दिक्
  1. हेतूपस्थापनप्रकारः
    1. हि
    2. अत एव
  • पञ्चमीप्रयोगः
  1. किञ्च (हेत्वन्तरयोजनम्)
विषयः – पारिभाषिकपदानां परिचयः

उद्देश्यम् – तत्तच्छात्रीयपारिभाषिकपदानां ज्ञानम्

घण्टाः –  15

  1. नव्यन्यायभाषाप्रदीपः
  2. तर्कसङ्ग्रहस्य उद्देशग्रन्थः (न्यायवेदान्तयोः पदार्थज्ञानार्थम्)
  3. व्याकरणे संज्ञाः/सूत्रभेदः
  4. गणितज्योतिषयोः पारिभाषिकपदानि
  5. आयुर्वेदस्य पारिभाषिकपदानि
  6. साङ्ख्ययोगयोः पारिभाषिकपदानि
  7. अर्थशास्त्रस्य पारिभाषिकपदानि
  8. वेदान्तपारिभाषिकपदानि
विषयः – शास्त्रग्रन्थानां पठनाभ्यासः

उद्देश्यम् – शास्त्रग्रन्थानां स्वाध्यायक्रमपरिज्ञानम्

घण्टाः –  6

अर्थशास्त्रादिग्रन्थानां चितभागस्य पठनाभ्यासः

विषयः – सुभाषितादीनाम् अवगमनम्

उद्देश्यम् – सरलकथानां पठनाभ्यासः, सरलश्लोकानाम् अवगमनं, पदानाम् अन्वयः

घण्टाः –  5

  1. चिताः कथाः।
  2. चितानि सुभाषितानि


  1. प्रथमदीक्षा, राष्ट्रियसंस्कृतसंस्थानम्, नवदेहली
  2. अभ्यासपुस्तकम्, विश्वासः, संस्कृतभारती, बेङ्गलूरु
  3. अभ्यासदर्शिनी, जनार्दन हेगडे, संस्कृतभारती, बेङ्गलूरु
  4. हिन्दीसंस्कृतशब्दकोषः, श्रीप्रकाशपाण्डेयः, संस्कृतभारती, नवदेहली
  5. संस्कृतव्यवहारसाहस्री, संस्कृतभारती, बेङ्गलूरु
Structure and Method of Shaastras
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Course Objective(s):

To enable the participants to understand the purpose, structure, methodology and hierarchical classification of Indic sources based in Vedic worldview and to elucidate how to study them.

Course outcomes:

  1. Comprehending the Vedic worldview of knowledge, its purpose and its universal and holistic nature
  2. Understanding and identifying the pan-SAstric structure and methodology of Indic knowledge sources


Unit – 1: Indian world view:

Unit – 2: Indic sources – How to study? 

Unit – 3: Introduction to the systematic structures of Vedic science literature 

Unit – 4: Role and utilization of structures of Śāstra exposition in interpreting the Śāstra 

Unit – 5: Scientific nature of Indic literature

Tutorial (suggested for study): 

  • Maṇḍala and aṣṭaka structures of Ṛgveda
  • Vedāṅga structures
  • Link between Saṁhitā and Āraṇyaka sections of Yajurveda
  • Structure of Āgama texts
  • Structure of Tantra texts
  • Structure of Mahābhārata
  • Structure of Purāṇas
  • Structure of Mahākāvyas 
  • Caraṇavyūha – Vedalakṣaṇa


  1. Prasthāna-bheda by Madhusudana Sarasvati
  2. Sanatana Dharma, An elementary Text Book of Hindu Religion and Ethics, Published by the Managing Committee, Central Hindu College, Benaras, 1916 


Internship 1 (live ongoing projects at SKF)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours

Syllabus (Year 2)

Vedic project - 2 (Modelling – VyaakaraNa)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours
Vedic project – 4 (Model for existing Chhandas)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours
Research Text study + KR + 15-hour course with assessment
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours
Research Methods Critical assessment of general research methodology
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours


Course Objective(s):

To provide an overview of prominent research methodologies, their limits, and possible alternatives.


Course outcomes:

  • Understand the limits of various research methods that are available today.
  • Understanding translation and interpretation is a project of knowledge and experience and is not limited to language.
  • Recognizing problems with Orientalist descriptions
  • Recognizing constraints to describe the experience of Indian traditions.


Unit – 01

  1. Introduction to various methodologies
    1. Problems pertaining to the study of India.
    2. Description of the Problems
    3. Possible Solutions to study India

Unit – 2

  1. Orientalism, post-colonialism, Colonialism, colonial consciousness
  • Orientalism, Indology, and Social Sciences
  • Culture, Cultural difference, India and the West
  • Orientalism, Colonial Consciousness and Human Sciences

Unit – 3

  1. Problems with contemporary methods
    1. Limits of textual criticism and Interpretations (philological methods)
    2. Psychoanalysis and its problems
    3. History and Itihasa

Unit – 4

  1. Issues of translation
  • Translation as conceived in Translation studies.
  • Is translation a linguistic problem?
  • Cultural difference and translation.

Reference Materials:

  1. Reconceptualizing India Studies
  2. Orientalism by Edward Said
  3. The Battle for Sanskrit by Rajiv Malhotra
  4. Śāstras Through the Lens of Western Indology – A Response, edited by Dr. K. S. Kannan
  5. Essays on Tradition, Recovery and Freedom, Dharmapal
  6. Gandhi Conversion & Equality of Religion: More Experiments with Truth, Sarah Clearhout


Internship 4 (live ongoing projects at SKF)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours
Research Vedic project – 3 (Problem-Process-Solution Communication)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours
Research Manuscriptology with expertise in 2 scripts
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours
Research Vedic project – 6 (Term project with dissertation)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours
R. Methods BSCVS V-05 Vedic project – 5 (Functional, Relation & structural abstraction from Shaastras - MMRSV - Kavya-atma structure, Kosha, Purva-mimaamsa, nyaaya-sambandhas)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours


Internship 5 (live ongoing projects at SKF)
# of CreditsL-T-P RatioHours