
Sanskrit-1: Learn to think in Sanskrit

“Sanskrit 1: Thinking in Sanskrit” is a 2-month introductory course that will help learners grasp the essentials of spoken Sanskrit. This course gives you the ability to comprehend spoken and written Sanskrit without need for translations, and gives the competence needed to enter into our M.A. Sanskrit program that starts in July every academic year.

How to Sign up

  • You may also directly enroll into the course from here. Click on add to cart and follow the guided checkout process
Alternatively, you can also follow the below process
  • Fill and submit the program registration form here. In the form, select “Sanskrit-1” as the “Course you wish to apply for”.
  • Pay the course fee (₹ 2000 or USD 75) via online transfer to the bank below and note down the transaction reference number, along with a screenshot of the online transfer confirmation page.
Account Name MAEER’s Institute for Indic Knowledge Studies
Bank Bank of India, MIT College Branch, Pune
Account No 053010110012942
IFSC BKID0000530
Account Type Savings

You will receive an email from us confirming your enrollment. This will be your payment receipt as well.

About the Course

Objective – Working knowledge of Sanskrit language – to speak and understand without translations


  • Constructing simple sentences in Sanskrit. (सरल–संस्कृत–सम्भाषणम्)
  • Understanding the basic structure of Sanskrit without learning grammar.
  • Thinking natively in Sanskrit.
  • Proper pronunciation of Sanskrit words through knowing the science of pronunciation. (वर्णोच्चारणम्)
  • Knowledge of frequently used suffixes in Sanskrit literature. (प्रत्ययाः – क्त्वा, तुमुन् इत्यादयः)
  • Internalizing the technique (आकाङ्क्षापद्धतिः) of understanding Sanskrit verses without depending on translations.
  • Understanding the method of splitting compound words. (समासविग्रहः)
  • Understanding modification of the form or sound of a word under the influence of an adjacent word. (सन्धिविच्छेदः)
  • Enjoying the beauty of Sanskrit words, in expressing meaning precisely. (संस्कृतस्य गम्भीरता)
  • Building compound sentences with simple sentences. (यथा तथाकिन्तुयत्र तत्र इत्यादि)