Samskrit Language Proficiency Test (For M.A. Sanskrit aspirants)

The MIT IIKS’ M.A. Sanskrit degree program (or the Masters’ certificate program in Sanskrit) is conducted predominantly in Sanskrit medium.
To ensure that candidates have the required proficiency to comprehend and communicate in the Sanskrit language, MIT IIKS requires its applicants to take an online Sanskrit Language Proficiency Test. This test is currently administered by Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation , an organization in India dedicated to spreading Indic knowledge through technology.
About the Sanskrit Language Proficiency (SLP) Test
- The SLP Test has a total of 4 sections – Grammar and Usage sections in two levels each – basic and intermediate. For admission to our Masters’ programs, you need to pass the basic and intermediate level sections of SLP with a minimum overall score of 70% and a minimum score of 60% in each level.
- There is a free preview available for your self-assessment at
- To access the preview test, after logging in, click on the course named “Sanskrit Language Proficiency Test – Preview” and launch the quiz. This quiz offers a few samples of all the question types to expect in the real test. Preview will not be evaluated. It is available for your experience only. To access the preview test you can log into this site with username ‘vvsampler‘ and password ‘atithiH‘.
The fee for the SLP test is
- USD 25 for those residing outside India, and
- ₹ 500 for those residing in India.
- With this fee, you can make up to two attempts at answering the test up to May 31.
- We recommend you attempt the SLP test once soon for self-assessment. If you need to study further or take our Sanskrit 1 course, please do so. Then take the second attempt.
- The last date for taking the SLP Test (final attempt) is May 31st.
- Those who pass the SLP Test will be admitted into the program on a first-come-first-served basis.
The SLP test (both the preview and full test) is administered on the Moodle E-learning Platform of Bharatiya Vijnan at To access the platform,
To enrol for the SLP test, go to, by Siddhanta Knowledge Foundation (SKF)
Click on the “Sanskrit Language Proficiency Test (For M.A. Sanskrit aspirants)” (
Pay the fee online via PayPal (for students enrolling from outside India ) or UPI QR Code ( for students enrolling inside India).
Accessing the SLP Test
- On successful payment, you will be redirected to the ‘My Courses’ page on Bharatiya Vijnan (Note that you would have received a payment confirmation email by now)
- Under “Available Courses”, click on the “Sanskrit Language Proficiency Test (For M.A. Sanskrit aspirants)”, and you will be redirected to the Bharatiyavijnan LMS (e-learning) page: (
- Click on the CONTINUE button
- Log in via Google with your registered email id. You will be able to see the Quiz.
- You can take the actual test Immediately, or just do a PREVIEW test.
- To take the SLP test preview, Click on the Sanskrit Language Proficiency Test – Preview course and follow the instructions.
- After the preview, you can take the main SLP test.
If you want to take the main SLP test later, at your convenient time, then follow the below-mentioned steps.
NOTE: Once the test is done, our faculty will correct and notify the results & further steps of enrollment to your registered email ID. This will take about 10 days.
If this method does not work, please inform us at and we will help you.
You have up to May 31st to take the test after which you will lose access and have to pay again.
Sanskrit 1: Preparatory course by MIT IIKS to Pass the SLP Test
While you are free to acquire the requisite Sanskrit language proficiency anywhere, MIT IIKS offers a paid online 40-day certificate course called Samskrit 1 – Thinking in Samskrit” to help you quickly ramp up to understand spoken Samskrit like a native speaker – without memorization or translations. Click here to know more and enroll for the Samskrit-1 course.
This course offers an immersive learning approach similar to Samskrita Bharati ( to make Sanskrit learning easy and fun. It is a set of recordings of live classes followed by a few live online sessions and assignments that will equip you to attempt the Sanskrit Proficiency Test. We wish you the best to pass the Samskrit Proficiency Test and look forward to your admission in the M.A. Sanskrit degree program (or the Masters’ certificate program in Sanskrit) commencing from July 1st weeks !