
Announcing AUDIT mode enrolment into Master’s Sanskrit courses by MIT IIKS / HUA

Announcing AUDIT mode enrolment into Master’s Sanskrit courses by MIT IIKS / HUA

The Master’s program in Sanskrit by MIT IIKS in collaboration with the Hindu University of America is growing in popularity among mainstream professionals looking for a rigorous exposure to Sanskrit and its knowledge systems. One reason is that it gives a unique immersive experience in Sanskrit along with a digested, conceptual, and contemporary perspective of Shaastras hard to obtain elsewhere. Its subjects are taught by select scholars deeply knowledgeable not only in the root texts but their key essential insights.

Several of our students are now giving lectures confidently on the topics they learn in this program via talks to premier engineering students and faculty of India at the IITs via IIT Roorkee’s Shaastra Setu Talk series.

Announcing Individual Enrolment into MA Sanskrit Courses

Several professionals would like to embark on this journey, but are pressed for time in their professional schedules. Many have expressed their desire to enroll in the courses one by one without the pressure of exams and certifications. To facilitate the spread of Indic knowledge among genuine seekers in a flexible manner, our MA Sanskrit courses are now open for enrolment individually in either AUDIT mode or CREDIT / certification mode

Terms and Conditions

General Information:

  • You can enroll in an individual course under the category of “Sanskrit” via the enrolment webpage (see below for HUA and SVS) in either CREDIT mode (default), AUDIT mode (without exams and certification), or UPGRADE mode (to upgrade from AUDIT to CREDIT mode).
  • CREDIT mode: This is the default enrolment option with the advertised price, wherein you will be enrolled in the next offering of the course with LIVE online classes. You are required to do all assignments and final exam within stipulated time to get a certificate with a grade.
  • AUDIT mode: You will be enrolled in the subsequent LIVE class offering of that course by IIKS. You can attend live or pre-recorded classes and will not be given assignments or exams. If you have just missed the enrollment deadline for that year, you will be enrolled when the course is offered next year (usually).
    • AUDIT mode price is 60% of the CREDIT mode price.
  • UPGRADE mode: If you had already enrolled for a course in AUDIT mode, to subsequently upgrade to “credit” mode & get a certificate, you need to pay an additional UPGRADE fee. With this, you can do all assignments and exams and get a certificate with a grade.
    • UPGRADE mode price is 50% of CREDIT mode price.
  • So, if you’d like to split taking a course in two steps – first audit and then upgrade, it will cost you 10% more than if you enrolled directly in CREDIT mode. However, AUDIT+UPGRADE will give the student flexibility in doing the course at leisure or only attend a course without exam pressure.
  • Passing the Sanskrit Proficiency Test is a prerequisite for all MIT Sanskrit courses (whether crediting or auditing).
  • A minimum of 5 paid CREDIT mode students must be enrolled for a course to be offered with LIVE classes in a given year.
  • An M.A. Sanskrit course / subject is only offered ONCE in a year according to a fixed annual schedule when the minimum enrolments criteria is met.

For India Residents:

  • You need to enroll in an individual course under the category of “Sanskrit” via the MIT IIKS enrolment page.
    • Add the course to cart and go to checkout page.
    • To sign up in AUDIT mode, apply the coupon code: “MA-SKT-AUDIT-INDIA” at checkout to get the AUDIT price.
    • To pay for UPGRADE to CREDIT, apply the coupon code: “MA-SKT-UPGRADE-INDIA” at checkout to pay the UPGRADE fee.
    • If you checkout directly, you’ll be paying and enrolling in CREDIT mode.

For those residing outside India:

  • You need to enroll in the course via the Hindu University of America website.
  • Add the course to the cart and go to the checkout page.
  • To enroll in CREDIT mode, apply the coupon code SANSKRIT-MA-2020 in the checkout page before paying to get a 50% discount on the listed price for all Masters’ Sanskrit courses by HUA.
  • To enroll in AUDIT mode, apply the coupon code SANSKRIT-MA-AUDIT in the checkout page before paying to get a 70% discount on the listed price.
  • To upgrade your existing AUDIT enrolment and get a certificate, apply the coupon code SANSKRIT-MA-UPGRADE in the checkout page before paying to get 75% discount on the listed price.